Note: The following instructions apply only to Corona 9 on macOS.
If you experience any difficulties installing Corona 9, these basic troubleshooting steps should resolve it for you.
Option 1 - Run the installer again
Normally, Corona should install hassle-free; however, if you're getting any installation errors during the process, please do the following:
- Make sure you closed any Cinema 4D instances that were open.
- Once again, open the Corona 9 installer.
- Continue until you can see the "Customize" button, and click it.
- Uncheck the following options:
- LUTs
- Chaos Cosmos
- Chaos License Server
- Proceed to install the software.
After the installation is complete, close the installer window and visit the below links. Sign in, download, and install the items separately:
- Chaos Cosmos: Download Chaos Cosmos
- Chaos License Server: Download Chaos License Server
Once the License Server is installed, it will automatically open a new web browser window asking you for your credentials, you need to sign in to activate the software.
In case it doesn't automatically open, visit the following link to sign in and activate your license:
As the last step, open Cinema 4D and make sure you can use the software (you can create a basic scene and start rendering).
Option 2 - Clean previous installation files before running the installer again
If the instructions from Option 1 couldn't solve your issue, make sure to remove the files from a previous installation manually.
To remove all previously installed files, do the following:
- 1) Uninstall the Chaos License Server
- Open the "uninstaller" tool that is in the following location:
(double-click to open the "uninstaller") - Then, choose the Chaos License Server and click on the Uninstall button.
- Lastly, close the Terminal window that is open.
- 2) Uninstall the Chaos Unified Login
- Open the "uninstaller" tool that is in the following location:
(double-click to open the "uninstaller") - Then, choose the Chaos Unified Login and click on the Uninstall button.
- Lastly, close the Terminal window that is open.
- 3) Uninstall the Chaos Cosmos Service (if it was previously installed)
- Open the "uninstaller" tool that is in the following location:
(double-click to open the "uninstaller") - Then, choose the Chaos Cosmos Browser and click on the Uninstall button.
- Lastly, close the Terminal window that is open.
- 4) Then, manually remove the Corona Image Editor app located in your Applications folder.
- 5) Then, manually remove the Corona and ChaosScatter folders from the following folder:
/Applications/Maxon Cinema 4D RXX/plugins/
(RXX stands for the Cinema 4D version installed on your computer, e.g., R20, R22, R25, and so on) - Note: You'll need to remove the Corona and ChaosScatter folders for each Cinema 4D version installed on your mac.
- 6) Remove the ChaosGroup folder from the following location:
- 7) Remove the Corona folder from the following location:
/Users/YourUserName/Libary/Application Support/
(replace the YourUserName part with your current username registered on the mac)
- 8) Remove the ".Chaos", the ".ChaosGroup", and the "ChaosCosmos" folders from the following location:
(replace the YourUserName part with your current username registered on the mac)
Note: Since some of the mentioned folders are not visible by default, you can use the "Go to Folder..." option from the menu "Go" in the Finder, then copy & paste the folder path and click on the Go button.
- 9) Lastly, run the Corona 9 installer one more time as instructed in Option 1 above.
If you need any further help - please contact us.