We do not offer a version of anima® compatible with MAC / OSX systems. Both the main anima® application and all its plugins will only work on a Windows OS.
There is a way to use anima® PRO (only the standalone application, not the plugins) indirectly in OSX through a Virtual Machine with Windows installed. It may work fairly well inside Parallels, VMWare, or VirtualBox. This setup has important limitations because you cannot use native OSX applications (like Cinema 4D) with the anima® plugin (which is for Windows only), but you can export from anima® in FBX or VrScene and then import it back in C4D. It is a workflow less efficient and comfortable than using our anima® plugin on Windows but it might be good enough for projects with midsize scenes. We have some clients that are using this workflow.
Please, keep in mind that the 4D Digital Human type of models cannot be exported from anima® and therefore can only be used in applications that have an anima® plugin installed, which is not possible in Cinema4D for Mac. You will find more information about our 4D technology in the following link:
Also, the subscription models (from anima® ALL) will only work with the anima® software, and therefore, in Windows only. They will work in Virtual Machines too, but you will need to use your 3D software and plugins for Windows and inside those VMs too, which will have a big impact on the performance due to the limitations of the VM technology.
Therefore, the only viable option to use anima® ALL inside a Mac would be through Bootcamp, which is the only way to run a completely native Windows installation inside an Apple machine. Unfortunately, as far as we know, it is not possible anymore to use Bootcamp with the M series processors from Apple because those are based on ARM architecture.