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How to use VFB history in Corona for 3ds Max?

Old youtube tutorial: VFB Regions and History



  • Starting from Corona 12, the new VFB 2.0 is the new default VFB in Corona, featuring an updated interface with improved user experience. For a complete overview, refer to the official documentation.
  • In VFB 2.0, it is possible to compare images with different resolutions or aspect ratios.
  • VFB 2.0 provides two options to open CXR files: by using the history tab or through the drag-and-drop feature. Click here to learn more.

The built-in history allows saving of multiple snapshots of the rendered scene (including region renders) and performing A/B comparisons directly in the Corona VFB. This allows quick comparing of different materials, lighting, or render settings.


To save a snapshot, click on "Store Current VFB" button.

To mark a snapshot as "A" and have it displayed in the VFB, left-click on it.

To mark a snapshot as "B" and have it displayed in the VFB, right-click on it.

To unmark snapshots, simply click on it again, or click on a different one to have it replaced.


VFB History can be used to store multiple "snapshots" of the scene, which can be compared.
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