In this article, you will learn how you can load LUT files thought 3ds MaxScript to apply color corrections in VFB.
Step by step instructions for adding a layer and loading the LUT file using MAXScript Listener:
1. Create a new VFB Layer Manager instance:
vfbLayers= (vfbcontrol #getlayermgr)[1]
returns: <Interface:vfbLayerMgr>
2. Get VFB Layer Classes
returns: #("folder", "chaos.cc.exposure", "chaos.cc.curves", "chaos.cc.lut")
3.Get existing VFB Layers IDs
returns: #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
4. Add a Lookup Table layer to the VFB Display Correction stack.
vfbLayers.createLayer 1 "chaos.cc.lut"
returns: <MixinInterface:Lookup Table>
5. Get Layer IDs one more time to find the newly added Lookup Table layer
returns: #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 8)
Compare the return from Step 3 and 5 to find out the newly created layer. In our example the newly created ID is 10.
6. Assign the .cube file to the Lookup Table layer input channel.
(vfbLayers.getLayer 10).lut_file = "X:\CC_file.cube"
returns: "X:\CC_file.cube"
Use the newly created Layer ID (in our example the ID=10) to assign the Lookup file.
Ready to use Script:
This script will add a new layer and load the specified *.cube file. It can be saved as a .ms file and executed in 3ds Max
vfbLayers= (vfbcontrol #getlayermgr)[1]
vfbLayers.createLayer 1 "chaos.cc.lut"
for each in vfbLayers.getAllLayerIds() do
(vfbLayers.getLayer each).lut_file = @"X:\CC_file.cube"
Additional Information
All available commands and parameters for controlling the VFB programmatically are available here.