Multiple Input and Output Maps

The "Additional Outputs" feature allows you to have additional input and output slots within a single Corona Color Correct, Corona Triplanar, Corona Mapping Randomizer, and Corona Multi Map.

This is super helpful by giving greater control over multiple textures using a single node. This feature is available only in the Slate Material Editor.


Why was it added?

The main purpose of the Multiple Output Maps feature is to let you control multiple textures using a single "master" node rather than having to adjust each texture one by one. This helps organize the material editor better by lowering the overall number of nodes and also makes it easier to create and edit materials. For example, in case of randomizing a material's diffuse, normal, and roughness texture positions, you do not need to adjust each texture one by one, but instead you can now use a single Mapping Randomizer node that will control all your textures, which makes the process more efficient and artist-friendly:  



How to use it?

  1. Open the Slate Material Editor.
  2. Create a Corona Color Correct, Corona Triplanar, Corona Mapping Randomizer, or Corona Multi Map.
  3. In the map properties, you'll find a new option called Additional Outputs at the bottom.
  4. The default value is 0. Increase the value to specify the number of additional output slots you want for the map. The more slots you have, the more input textures you can plug in and utilize.


Here are some examples showcasing how to use the Multiple Output Maps feature: 

Example 1: Using Corona a Color Correct Map with Multiple Output Maps: 



Material setup: 


Additional outputs value set to 3 in the Corona Color Correct map. 


In this example, we are using a single Corona Color Correct map to affect all the diffuse textures of the bread object thanks to the multiple output maps feature. 


Example 2: Using a Corona Triplanar Map with Multiple Output Maps.



Material setup:


Additional outputs value set to 2 in the Corona Triplanar map.



In this example, we are using a single Corona Triplanar map node to affect all the textures thanks to the multiple output maps feature. 


Example 3: Using a Corona Multimap Map with Multiple Output Maps.


In this example, we are using a Corona Multimap with the additional outputs option to affect all the leaf textures of the tree leaves. 


Material setup:

Corona12_MultiMap_AdditionalOutput_MaterialSetup (3).png

Additional outputs value is set to 5 in the Corona Multimap.



In this example, we are using a single Corona Multimap to affect all the leaf textures of the tree leaves, thanks to the multiple output maps feature. 



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