Transferring Materials and Scenes Between Different Platforms using Chaos Scans Library

This article provides information about the transfer of materials and scenes between different V-Ray integrations. 


Working on a project sometimes requires the transfer of assets, materials, or even whole scenes from one 3D application to another. A common question among users is how exactly to do this. This article covers several methods, each with its own benefits and downsides, suitable for a variety of scenarios.

In this article you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How to transfer materials from one host platform to another?
  • How to transfer scenes from one host platform to another?
  • How can artists that work on different host platforms work on the same project?


Transferring Materials using Chaos Scans

Chaos Scans are physically accurate scanned materials developed by Chaos Group, which can be rendered in any V-Ray integration. Since they are delivered as a separate file format, these shaders produce identical results in all supported platforms without any additional tweaking.

To download Chaos Scans materials, open the Chaos Scans Library.



Advantages: The final rendering result of the VRScan material is the same across all supported host platforms.

Disadvantages: The Chaos Scans Library provides more than 1000 materials; however, there is still a small chance to not find the materials you are looking for.

For more information regarding Chaos Scans, see Chaos Scans Documentation and Chaos Scans Key Features page.


To learn how to load, apply, and render Chaos Scans on the different host platforms, visit the corresponding pages:

3DsMax / SketchUp / Maya / Rhino / Revit / Modo



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