User Account Management


Within your Chaos Accounts page you have the possibility to view and manage your licenses, your cloud credits, your invoices, add or edit your payment methods, make immediate payments against outstanding invoices, order and filter your subscriptions, as well as download individual invoices as .pdf.


You can log in to your Chaos Account by clicking the Sign in button on the top menu of the website, highlighted in the following screenshot.




Once successfully signed in, you will be able to see the following My Chaos interface with menus for navigation.




Here’s a breakdown of the Chaos Account menu options that are available to an account holder.

  • Products – view and manage your subscriptions, expired products, cloud credits, and downloads.
  • Licensing – view your active licenses and details such as quantity, expiry date and availability status.
  • Organization * – admins can invite users to your organization and allocate or revoke licenses.
  • Billing – view, filter or download all of your invoices, pay outstanding balance, and update billing information.
  • Learning – find links to useful learning resources for your products.
  • Account – update your personal information and view or copy your customer number.
  • Support – opens the Chaos Help Center.

* The Organization menu is visible to Admin accounts only.



Under the Active Products sub-menu tab you will be able to view all of your active subscriptions, filter them by product family, expiration date and currency. You can also:

  • View product offering
  • Change seat quantity
  • Enable or disable auto-renewal
  • View activation and expiration dates
  • Copy License Key (For versions older than 4.1)
  • View payment details

Upgrade a subscription

If the product within the subscription has an upgrade option, you can benefit from this offering by navigating to the subscription and clicking on the Upgrade button.



Click image to enlarge

You can review your order, modify the quantity of the product you would like to be upgraded and click Upgrade. The subscription will be upgraded.


Add Seats to a subscription

In order to increase the quantity of seats within a subscription, you need to click on the + Add seats button.


Click image to enlarge


Modify the seat quantity and click Add in order to confirm the order placement. The price for the new seats will be prorated according to the remaining days until the next renewal date.


Enable or Disable Auto-Renewal

Selecting the Disable auto-renewal option will turn off the automatic renewal of your subscription.


Click image to enlarge


You still have the possibility to Enable auto-renewal of your subscription within the active license period. The billing upon renewal will be handled automatically.


Note: The auto-renewal can be disabled until 30 days (annual subscriptions) or 7 days (monthly subscriptions) prior to the upcoming renewal date. If the subscription renews within the next 30/7 days, the disable button will not be available anymore. It is possible to enable the subscription until 1 day prior to the renewal date.


Expired Products

Under the Expired Products sub-menu tab you will be able to view the list of your expired subscriptions, filter them by product family, expiration date and currency. If you would like to purchase a new subscription for the respective product which has expired, you can click on the Buy Again button.


Click image to enlarge

The shopping cart will be displayed, you can modify the quantity you would like to purchase, change your billing and payment information if needed, and confirm to place the order. Once these steps are completed, you will have a brand new subscription which you can view on the Active Products page.


Click image to enlarge


Cloud Credits

Under the Cloud Credits sub-menu tab you will be able to view your list of available cloud credits. You can quickly access Chaos Cloud from this page by clicking on the Start rendering button at the bottom.


Click image to enlarge


Clicking the Downloads sub-menu tab will open the Chaos Downloads page. You also have the option to download a product by clicking on the Download button next to the active subscription of the respective product as shown below.


Click image to enlarge


The licensing menu allows you to view all your available licenses and servers. For info on setting up the License Server application, refer to this article.


You can view all of your available licenses under the Licenses sub-tab.


Click image to enlarge

To view more details such as availability, quantity, license type and expiration date, click on the respective product.


Click image to enlarge

License Servers

You can view all servers your license is active on under the License Servers sub-tab. You also have the option to activate a license server using an activation request file, or to borrow licenses for offline use.


Click image to enlarge

Note: Borrowing a license reserves one of your floating licenses, making it unavailable to other license servers until you return it.



A customer account with Self Service Portal functionality switched on is referred to as an Organization. One account can have only one organization. There are three user roles within an organization:

  • Administrator – can create an organizational structure, add Members or Guests, and manage licenses and cloud credits assigned to these Members or Guests.
  • Member – can only use licenses or cloud credits allocated by the Administrator.
  • Guest – can be used for students with previously purchased personal EDU licenses or freelancers. Guests can have personal licenses and use those as well as any licenses provided by the organization simultaneously. For Cloud Credits, Guests can consume from only one active pool at a time. Guests can be added to an Organization even if they already have personal licenses, cloud credits, beta or trial products.

To set up a Self Service Portal organisation, the customer must appoint a company account Administrator and provide their customer number . The administrator can find the customer number by logging into My Chaos and navigating to the Account tab.




After confirmation, the Administrator of the company account will be set up and they can log into My Chaos and navigate to the Organization tab.

User Management

The Administrator can start adding users to their organization by clicking the three dots on the Users tile and clicking Invite users.


Click image to enlarge


To invite individual users, click on the Individual tab:

  • Enter the email address
  • Select the user role as Member or Guest
  • Click Send Invite


Note: only users with registered Chaos accounts can be added.



To bulk invite users, click on the Bulk tab:

  • Download the .csv template
  • Fill in the template with email and role of the users to be invited
  • Save the .csv file and upload it
  • In the next step you will be able to review and change the roles
  • After selecting Send Invites you will be able to review the status of invitations


Note: Contact the people you want to add to your SSP beforehand and ensure they create a Chaos account if they don’t already have one.


There are several ways to remove users from the organization:

Individual removal – Click on the three dots next to the user and click on Remove user.

Bulk removal

  • Select Checkboxes for each user and click Remove users from the bottom menu of the page.
  • Remove users manually from the Users tile. Choose Manual – Select users from the list presented and click Remove X users.
  • Remove users in bulk from the Users tile. Choose Via .csv file – Upload a .csv file and click Remove X users.


Assigning Product Licenses

The Administrator can start assigning product licenses to users in several ways:

Individual assignment

  • Click on the three dots next to the user and click on Allocate product to user.
  • Select the products, the expiration date, as well as the product licenses you want to assign to the user.
  • Click Allocate.


Bulk assignment using Checkboxes

  • Select Checkboxes for each user and click Assign products from the bottom menu of the page.
  • Select Continue with X users.
  • Select the products to be assigned to the users and click on Continue.



  • Select the expiration date for the product and click Continue with X products.
  • Click Assign to X users.

Bulk assignment using the Products tile.

Click the 3 dots next to the Products tile. Click Assign products.

  • Choose Manual – Select users from the list presented and follow the steps thereafter.
  • Choose Via .csv file – Upload a .csv file and and follow the steps thereafter.



Here you can review your billing status, review invoices, save and change payment methods, as well as review your billing information.



The Invoices sub-menu under the Billing menu allows you to get an overview of your account as well as the payment status of your current and past invoices. You can search by Invoice number, as well as filter by payment status and issue date.


You also have the option to download individual invoices as PDF via the arrow button associated with each listed Invoice. You can review your total outstanding amount, choose to pay all in one go, and review any available unapplied credits.


Furthermore, you have the option to select any number of outstanding invoices as part payment.


Click image to enlarge


With the Outstanding balance field, you can see what total invoice amount is currently open. The Outstanding balance shows the sum of all unpaid invoices. In addition to the existing automatic payment of invoices, it is possible to pay all or individual invoices manually.


To pay all of the outstanding amount at once, simply click on the “Pay all” button.


To pay off an individual invoice, click on the Pay button on the same line.


Once you click on the Pay button, your payment will be processed and you will see a confirmation message, as well as receive your receipt. Click on Got it so that you return on the Invoices page where you will see the paid invoice balance has been settled.


Payment Methods

You can view and update your active payment method(s) from the Payment methods sub-tab of the Billing section.

If you would like to update your existing payment method, click Change.


Click image to enlarge

Note: The entered payment method will be saved on your account and used for any unpaid invoices and future renewals of all active subscriptions.


Billing Information

View or edit your billing details through the Billing information sub-tab. You also have the option to add your VAT ID if necessary. The updated billing details will appear on all your future invoices, including those related to any auto renewal orders.



The Learning tab helps you get familier with Chaos products through learning resources such as training videos, sample projects as well as the Docs and the Knowledge Base.



Under the Account menu, you can view and update your Personal information such as name and country, your customer number, as well as the email associated with your account. If you wish to change the email, you need to contact our support team.

The password for accessing your account, as well as all products and services, can be updated from the Password sub-tab under the Account menu.



Clicking on the Support menu will take you to our Help Center. You can get in touch with us regarding any other questions you might have to better understand our products.

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