IMPORTANT: Update your Chaos License Server Version


Why Do I Need to Update?

There is an important Chaos Licensing server application update scheduled for January 28, 2025, because the server certificate will expire on that date.

NOTE:  If you are using Enscape 4.0 or earlier versions, please ignore this article. It does not apply to you as Enscape 4.0 does not use the Chaos license server hence no need for an update.


What Should I Do?

You must update your Chaos License Server application by January 28, 2025, to ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses. Failure to update the Chaos License Server application will result in losing access to your licenses.

The easiest way to proceed is to update the Chaos products you are using to their latest versions. Download the latest version of your product from our download section here


If this solution works for you, there is no need to go through the steps below.

What If I Don’t Want to Update My Products Now?

If you cannot or prefer not to update to the latest versions, go to Step 1 and follow the detailed guide below to update the Chaos License Server application independently. This guide walks you through everything you need to do to ensure your licensing system is updated and functional before January 28, 2025.


Step 1: Important Notes Before Updating

  • If you or your organization's users sign in to their Chaos accounts to access licenses, this update must be performed on each device. This applies to both individual license holders and organizations using cloud-based floating licensing.
  • If you access licenses via a centralized License Server, the update must be performed by the License Server administrator.


Step 2: Determine Your Chaos License Server Version

To check the version of the Chaos License Server installed on your machine, open the following link in your browser:

  • If the displayed version is 6.1 or above, your license server is up to date, and no further action is required. You can skip the rest of the steps.
  • If the version is older than 6.1, proceed to Step 3.


Step 3: Update the License Server

The easiest way to proceed is to update the Chaos License Server to its latest version. How to install the Chaos License server can be found here.

Download the latest Chaos license server versions from here:

For Windows

For MacOS

For Linux

If you are using the Chaos License Server as a service, please refer to the "Exceptions" section at the bottom of the article for more details. 


Troubleshooting: Removing Older Versions

If you encounter issues during installation, ensure older versions of the Chaos License Server are fully removed.

For Windows Users:

  1. Uninstall the Chaos License Server:
    • Navigate to: Start Menu > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, locate the Chaos License Server, and uninstall it.
  2. Delete the following folders:
    • C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\VRLService
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ssl
    • %appdata%\Chaos\VRLService\ssl

For macOS Users:

  1. Remove the Chaos License Server app.
  2. Delete the following folder: /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.ChaosGroup/ssl
  3. To access this folder:
    • Open Finder.
    • Select Go > Go to Folder, and enter ~/.ChaosGroup/ssl.

If you are still unable to proceed after following these troubleshooting steps, please contact Chaos Support. You can do that from the following page.



For Users Borrowing Licenses for Offline Use

If you are currently borrowing licenses for offline use, it is recommended that you update the license server app and re-borrow your licenses once more. Alternatively, you will need to do this when the borrowed licenses expire.

For Chaos License Server 5.5.5 Users

If you are currently using version 5.5.5 or older, which supports running the license server as a service, you should update to version 5.5.6. This version is compatible, runs as a service, and is up to date.

Download Chaos License Server 5.5.6 here.

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