How to record a video for the Chaos support?

This article provides option how to record a video of your screen for the Chaos support.


How to record a video on macOS?

There is a built-in recording feature that can be activated with a quick command: Shift+Command+5.

Select to record the entire screen and to Show Mouse Clicks, in the options, you can also specify where you would like to save your recordings.




How to record a video on Windows?

If you are using the latest Windows update (specifically any build higher than 22621.1344), the best option is to use Snipping Tool.  Click the shortcut for Snipping Tool (PrtSc by default) and select Record option and specify the screen size you would like to capture. 


Record icon in Snipping Tool



Click Start to begin recording your video. Use the Pause button on the toolbar to take a break, and then click Record to resume. When you’re done, click Stop. By default, recordings are automatically saved to: C:\Users\Username\Videos\Screen Recordings


Note: please refrain from using Game Bar (Windows key + G) to record Chaos applications, as it only records a single window. This means plugin menus will not be captured in the recording.


Third-party alternatives for Windows and macOS.

You may also consider using third-party screen capture software that records the entire screen, such as Aiseesoft, which offers free options. It is easy to use, does not require registration, and captures all windows, including plugin menus.

Note: Please research any third-party products thoroughly before downloading or installing them, as they are not Chaos products.


See also:

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