What is Autobump?

Autobump is a feature which automatically adds bump mapping to objects using displacement to enhance their surface details and improve the overall image quality. This also means that the displacement quality can be lowered (in the Performance tab of the Render Setup window) while maintaining good image quality, which results in lower RAM usage. 


Autobump affects:


Autobump off:

1pxoff.jpgAutobump off, displacement screen size: 1 px, RAM usage: 6,3 GB



Autobump off, displacement screen size: 2 px, RAM usage: 1,7 GB



Autobump off, displacement screen size: 4 px, RAM usage: 792 MB



Autobump off, displacement screen size: 8 px, RAM usage: 558,7 MB


Autobump on:


Autobump on, displacement screen size: 1 px, RAM usage: 6,5 GB



Autobump on, displacement screen size: 2 px, RAM usage: 1,8 GB



Autobump on, displacement screen size: 4 px, RAM usage: 814 MB



Autobump on, displacement screen size: 8 px, RAM usage: 566,6 MB




Comparison - autobump off, displacement size 2 px (left) VS autobump on, displacement size 4 px (right). RAM usage: 1,7 GB VS 814 MB. 

Click HERE to view the comparison.





Disabling Autobump

Generally, there is no need ever to disable the Autobump feature. Still, if you want to do it (for any reason - for example, to test it on and off), you can go to Development / Experimental stuff rollout (3ds Max | C4D), scroll down to the "displacement" section, and uncheck the "Apply automatic bump" option. 


Location of the Autobump option

in 3dsmax.

Click to enlarge the image.

Location of the Autobump option

in C4D

Click to enlarge the image.





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