IMPORTANT Chaos license server update January 28th 2025.

If you are unable to access your Chaos product and have not yet updated your License Server to version 6.1 or above, please follow these simple instructions.
If you already tried this and are still unable to access your Chaos products, please Contact Support.

Some of the render nodes are working fine, but some are not!

This usually means there is some difference between the render nodes. For example: 

  • Different versions of 3ds Max installed on different computers (e.g. SP1 and SP2 or 2020.2 and 2020.3)
  • Different versions of Corona installed (e.g. version 8 and 9)
  • Different versions of 3rd party plugins

Installing exactly the same software versions and updates usually helps in such cases. 


It is also possible that some files are blocking 3ds Max from running (for example old plugins) - in such case an error message pops up when 3ds Max is started and this makes it impossible to use DR. You can check for this issue by manually starting 3ds Max on the nodes. If that's the case, it is advised to remove the offending plugin files.


Please also make sure that your system date and time is set up correctly on all of your computers!

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