Important settings for Windows and NVIDIA Control Panel

NVIDIA Control Panel Settings.

The following settings are key in getting the expected performance out of the V-Ray GPU.

Performing a clean install of drivers resets all settings to their defaults, so you will need to change the settings every time you install a driver.

1. Launch the NVIDIA Control Panel from the Start menu and click on the "Home button" you will verify the version of drivers you have installed:


2. Click on Manage 3D Settings, scroll down to Power Management Mode, and change it to Prefer Maximum Performance (this slightly increases the power draw of the GPUs in idle state) this is very important to avoid performance issues with Vantage and V-Ray GPU). Click on Apply Changes:


3. If you have multiple GPUs, change OpenGL Rendering GPU to the card you have your monitors attached to (this card will be used for viewport performance across all DCC applications) and click on Apply:


4. Make sure ECC State is turned off (empty checkbox like on the screenshot below) for all your GPUs:


Windows settings.

We recommend enabling the Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling option in Windows 10 and 11 (enabled by default in Windows 11). This will free up VRAM accessible to V-Ray GPU. The option is available under System > Display > Graphics > Default Graphics Settings:

Note: this option requires a system restart to take effect.

See also:


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