V-Ray 5 Material Library and Light Gen issue due to expired certificate

This article provides information on how to manually download and set V-Ray 5 Material Library.


The V-Ray Material Library and Light Gen HDRI assets may be inaccessible for direct download to V-Ray 5 users. 

For example, after installing V-Ray 5, you might not be able to download and use V-Ray Material Library from V-Ray Asset Editor and get a message: Something went wrong while loading the library. We were unable to determine if the content you have is up to date with the latest version.

Or if you are getting following error when attempting to use Light Gen:  Error loading scenarios. Cannot download http://materials-cdn.chaosgroup.com/mtllib/files-map.json. certificate has expired


This can be amended by upgrading to V-Ray 6.


Alternatively, the asset files can be acquired manually by downloading the following archive file and unpacking it at:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/ChaosGroup/


Restarting V-Ray after the asset files are placed will restore functionality to both the Material Library and Light Gen. Note that a message prompting you to download assets may still appear - press “Continue” to safely disregard it.

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