How to Fix Unwanted Coloring in V-Ray IPR in Cinema 4D

This article will help you understand why sometimes there is unwanted coated or colorful render result in V-Ray IPR and also how to change it. 



The yellow or white coloring of the rendered result, similar to the one shown below, is usually caused by unsupported materials or maps in V-Ray IPR.





The unsupported maps and materials need to be converted to V-Ray.


  1.  Convert all native Cinema 4D materials to V-Ray Standard materials by using the V-Ray Convert Materials option.


  2. Convert all native Cinema 4D bitmap loaders to V-Ray AdvBitmaps by using the V-Ray Convert Bitmaps option.



  3. Some of the Cinema 4D shaders (such as Fresnel) need to be changed manually to the respective V-Ray shaders, which can be found in V-Ray PowerShaders.

    After all materials and maps are converted, V-Ray IPR should render as expected:


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