When exporting a scene from 3ds Max to Corona Standalone, native 3ds Max maps get substituted by Corona maps. However, some parameters and types of 3ds Max maps are currently not supported or are not compatible with Corona Standalone. Please note that If your scene solely consists of Corona maps, no apparent differences or errors should occur during the export & standalone render process. Certain 3ds Max maps like f.e. ColorCorrection can be substituted with fully supported CoronaColorCorrect map.
When exporting a scene that uses one of those unsupported parameters included in a 3ds Max native map, you will encounter either some or more of the following errors:
Indication of the reports in the error log
Unsupported or partially supported parameters by maps
Unsupported/partially supported parameters by maps in detail:
Vertex Color
- Subchannel: not supported, the map will be rendered as if this parameter was set to its default value.
RGB Multiply
- Alpha From: only "From Map #2" mode: currently supported
- Noise type: Turbulence is not supported, the map will be rendered as if this parameter was set to Fractal
- Noise phase: not supported
- Cell color variation: not supported
- Cell spread: not supported
- Bump smoothing: not supported
- Fractal (and its sub-parameters: iterations, adaptive & roughness): not supported
- Thresholds rollup: not supported
- Noise rollup and noise parameter group inside gradient parameters rollup: not supported
- Noise thresholds group inside gradient parameters rollup: not supported
Color correct
- Channel rollup: not supported
- Hue tint & hue tint strength: not supported
- Lightness advanced mode: not supported
- Saturation, Brightness, Contrast: produces different results from the native 3ds Max implementation
Note: this list is non-exhaustive.
Examples and differences in rendering
Here is an example scene of how the rendered outcome can differ between Corona standalone and Corona for 3ds Max, when maps with unsupported parameters are exported. (Corona Standalone export left, Corona VFB in 3ds max right)
image comparison: https://corona-renderer.com/comparer/YVhQiV
The scene contains a Corona material with many currently unsupported map parameters. A cellular map utilizing different cell color, altered spread, bump-smoothing characteristics as well as different thresholds, all of these parameters are currently unsupported for Corona Standalone.
Additionally, the Noise Map in our scene is using the Turbulence parameter which is also unsupported, as well as edited hue shift for the Color Correction map, advanced lightness, saturation, and lastly slight noise for the Gradient Map all of which are currently not supported and won't be exported successfully to the Corona Standalone.