How to use Dome Mapping in C4D

Introduced in version 8 of Corona for C4D is the new Dome Mapping feature. This handy new addition essentially ''locks'' your object in place rather than a ''sliding'' appearance when orbiting your object whilst using a spherical projection. Dome Mapping is found in our Corona Sky object under the ''Projection'' mode. To access this, ''Shader/HDRI'' must be selected as the ''Type'' in order to display the Dome mapping options:  




  • The Origin parameters allow you to shift the center point of the dome. This can be useful if you cannot afford to move the position of your object or camera.  


  • Allows you to control how large your ''virtual dome'' will be in relation to your camera and scene. By default, it is set to a recommended size of 2000cm. This can of course be increased/decreased to suit your final shot.

Camera Height:

  • One of the most important settings. If you know the height of the camera that was used when capturing the HDRI image, this should be used here. Alternatively, depending on the framing of your final shot, you can ''eye-ball'' this to match your object. 


All other parameters are carried over from the Corona Sky Object as highlighted below.




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